
MTA National Championships - 2021 - Date TBA
Date TBA

Event information

MTA Nationals will be held Friday Dec 11 (Rego/weigh in), 12 & 13 (weigh in and competition), at the Gold Coast. OVER 3 DAYS! In the same location as previous years. Tallebudgera Lesisure Centre.

The new 'vision' of MTA Nationals is to conduct:

  1. The Junior MTA Australian Nationals to determine Junior National Champions and select teams for Junior World Championships. 
  2. To host the Australian Amateur (B-class) Muaythai Championships. This is the seeded tournament for athletes. The cap is 13 fights experience. You can be a registered pro or amateur with any CSA as long as you are not an 'A Class' athlete in excess of 13 fights. 
  3. To match (A-class) Professional fighters in one off (or 4 man) matches for State or Australian WMC Titles. This category is the level selection for Australian Muaythai team for which world adult championships is considered.  
  4. Develop Muaythai competition for adults and juniors in a sporting, (tournament) environment in order to develop Muaythai as a sport. To get athletes experience required for future competitions and to progress in level and experience. 
  5. Selected divisions will have a 0 - 4 fights NOVICE category. These are limited to: Adult Male: 60kg, 63.5kg, 67kg, 71, 75, 81kg. Female: 57kg, 60kg, 63kg. 

NEW FORMAT - THIS IS AN OPEN TOURNAMENT - The draw will be done by the use of a seeded / ranking system.  

When you enter you type in your fight record and will be given a ranking based on who else enters. Depending on how many people are in your division, you will be ranked and fight in accordance with the attached seeded draw here: PLEASE FIND SEEDED DRAW HERE. 

This means every entrant will be ranked based on their fight record. Depending on how many people are in a division, the draw will be fairly distributed to ensure (where possible), all first bouts can be made as close as we can to make a fairly matched bout. It is a tournament to determine the national champion. We want to match people based on experience but still give everyone a chance to win their way to 'national champion'. A table showing how it works is available here (NEED TO ATTACH). This will also allow for bouts to determine Bronze medallist also, so not everyone that loses is eliminated.  

  • This is the ADULT AUSTRALIAN 'AMATUER/B-CLASS' CHAMPIONSHIPS .  (B-class means any fighter, regardless of their state registration clasification can enter if they are a B-class fighter. As a guide, this is someone with less than 13 fights. Someone who fights in elbow guards over 2 minute rounds. Someone who is NOT fighting 3 min round unpadded fights regularly.)
  • This event will have one-off matched bouts for A-class fighters! If you are keen - email or call me! If you want to represent Australia, you have to want to be involved. 

NOTE: COMPETITION EQUIPMENT WILL NOT BE SUPPLIED. WE CAN NO LONGER LEND EQUIPMENT DUE TO COVID-19 AND THE SUBSEQUENT HEALTH RESPONSIBILITIES. People and clubs can not share equipment either. (Chest guards will be supplied for juniors/novices, but must be worn over a T'shirt/singlet). 

All atheltes will be required to have an MTA competition pack.  Consisting of: gloves, shin guards, head gear, groin guard and mouth guard. (female breast protectors). Chest guards will be supplied but must be worn over a T'shirt/singlet.  MTA Competition packs will be available to order prior to the event and available from selected MTA Clubs. An equipment store will also be available at the event. 

Competition singlets are included in your entry fee. This must be worn in the competition. 

You can NOT wear any equipment which is not MTA. (except - Groin guards and mouth guards which must also be worn.) 

The event is the biggest tournament on the MTA calendar. It is a fantastic opportunity to compete with people from all over Australia and compete for who is the national Muaythai champion for your age and weight. Many competitors get more than one bout and vastly increase their competition experience by attending.

Entering – when you enter, you enter your weight division, age and be must be accurate with your fight record. Include development days and ANY competition experience inlcuding Kickboxing/Boxing/MMA. All seeding is completed automatically based on your fight record. You will get points according to your record and be ranked based on who else enters your division. Your ranking points will be calcualted based on. Win 3 points, Draw 2 points, Loss 1 point. 

All entrants MUST be a member of an MTA registered club.

All bouts are under MTA rules.

This event will crown the MTA Australian Muaythai Champions for Juniors. It is a qualifier for the MTA Australian Team for International events including IFMA World Championships, Asian Games and Junior World Championships.

It doesn't matter if you are a registered pro or amateur anywhere in Australia, only that you enter your fight record, including ALL fights (eg; inter-club competitions and development days. States which call inter-clubs – sparring days, must include these also, so as not to mis-represent your experience and record).  Competitors records are subject to verification.

Junior Australian team is selected based on this tournament. Adults under 23's are consdered at this event however the A-class team is selected via nomination and rankings of professional fighters only. If an entrant has received a medal at IFMA Worlds previously, they are considered based on performance. If an entrant has received a GOLD medal at Adult IFMA, is Number one ranked in Australia, or far more experienced than other entrants, we will aim to match one off fights for these people) 

All ages for juniors are as at 11 Dec 2020. All adult ages are as at the event. This may vary if we gets dates for 2021 IFMA events. 

The MTA may match one off professional fights during the event to ensure all classes are catered for.  If you have more than 15 fights and want to compete - email us please. 

For all Australian Team information, please refer to the Australian Team Selection policy at

Weigh In - YOU MUST WEIGH IN, MIN - IN MUAYTHAI SHORTS (MALES), PLUS CROP TOP FOR WOMEN. This clothing is included in your weight.

Weight Divisions. All bouts are matched after the first weigh in. You are then required to weigh in on each day you are competing. At registration, you must be in the weight division you have entered. If you are outside the weight division, you will be moved into the weight division you actually weigh on registration day - no allowances. If you fail to make weight, after the initial weigh in on a subsequent day, you are disqualified.

Clubs should only enter ONE member per division. If two fighters from the same club do end up competing - they must actually compete or the Referee will disqualify BOTH fighters for not fighting. 


Registration is for the competition only. All other administration and logistics are at your our expense.


Juniors - Age group's are based the age of the entrant as at the event date. Minimum age is 10 years as at registration. Max age is 17 years as at event registration 11 Dec) .

Seniors - You must be over 18 to compete in adults.  (unless 17 and approved by parents) 

Eligibility - MTA Nationals is open to members of MTA registered Clubs only.  If you wish to enter - you must join as an MTA club or get your club to join the MTA. The Club must be financial at the time of entry and the event.

Tournament Entry ENTRY is $85. This includes event singlet. Registration Closes  5th December 2020. 

Refund – On request (in writing) by a case by case basis. Any withdrawal must be accompanied by a medical certificate or no refund will be supplied. For any person with no-one in their division; at the conclusion of the event you can apply for a refund, but you must attend the event, and register, make weight and not turn down any offered reasonable or available matches.

Drug testing: The MTA is a member of ASADA. Random entrants may be drug tested during the event. By entering you acknowledge and approve to be drug tested if requested. Refusing a drug test, is an immediate 4 year ban from competition. 

Medical Requirements. A medical for the event is required. No medical - no compete - no refund. It MUST be presented at registration with proof of age and identity. If this is your first MTA Sanctioned bout your Medical can not be more than 6 months old and must be using the MTA Official Medical Form.  For current registered MTA / Combat Sports Competitors medicals which have previously been validated within 12 months must be presented.

Blood tests are required for anyone 16 and over, on the original form. Blood tests can not be more than 6 months old. Pregnancy deceleration is required for females who are 16 and over. State governments with a CSA - we accept their registration and medical but you must bring your book and it must be up to date.

Medical Forms -

Trainers - MTA Head Instructors get one free entry. Teams with less than 5 athletes get 2 trainer entries. Teams with more than 5 athletes get 4 trainer entries. Teams with 10 or more athletes get 5 trainer entries. Everyone else pays and supports the not for profit event.

Weight Divisions - As per MTA weight divisions. Your selection in the Australian Squad and consideration for the Australian Team will be based on the weight division you enter. If you make it in the Australian Team, you have to be able to compete at the world championships in the weight division you are selected for! World Championships are spread over many days and require you to weigh in on the day you compete.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you have no one in your division, you can elect to go up a division or weight class. If you decline an opportunity to compete, this will affect any possible selection in an Australian Team, as walk over wins are NOT auto selection. If you go up and lose, your skill and experience will be considered.

Under 23’s. World Championships now have a under 23 division.  Your selection will be based on performance and suitability to compete at worlds.

Any movement from your entered division for weight or experience MUST be approved by either the parent or trainer. If your trainer or parent is unavailable to confirm this during the draw - the answer is automatically assigned NO.

Event Waiver - is required. You can upload with the online registration form or bring to the event.


Friday 11 December. Day 1. 

  • 9:00am – 11:00am.  This is Registration and weigh in. ID check, medical, bloods, indemnity, weigh in's. 
  • 11:00am - 1:00pm. Draw - Done electronically and advertised on Facebook. 
  • 12:00pm - MTA Executive / National Board Meeting. 
  • 1:00pm - 1:45pm. Trainers and Officials Meeting. Compulsory.  
  • 2:00pm - 4:00pm. Trainers Course.  Bookings required. 
  • 2:00pm - 5:00pm. Officials Course. Bookings required. 
  • 5:00pm - 6:00pm. MTA AGM. 

Saturday 12th December.  DAY 2 – Weigh in and competition.

  • 7:00am to 9:00am - Weigh in FOR EVERY ENTRANT: 
  • 11:00am - Athlete/Trainer debrief. 
  • 11:00am - Volunteers and Officials Meeting. 
  • 11:30pm – Doors open to public. 
  • 11:45pm - Form up for Opening Ceremony.
  • 12:30pm - Competition commences. 

Sunday 13th January. DAY 3 – Weigh in and competition.

  • 7:00am – 8:00am - Weigh in (for everyone competing today)
  • 11:00am – Doors open to public.
  • 11:15am - Trainer/Officials briefing.
  • 12:00pm - Competition commences.
  • 5:00pm - (TBC) - Closing Speech/Presentations, Australian Team Squad Meeting. 

Medal ceremonies will be conducted immediately after the finals bout.

Australian Team selection: Nationals is a selection event for Junior's and under 23's Adults. Please read the full selection criteria. The World Championships do not have classes. It is open and the standard of competition is strong. Australian Teams must be of a high standard. The Worlds championships previously, was a great place to get experience and anyone that could afford to often got the chance, however the landscape is very different now; athletes must be experienced to attend, regardless of the challenges in Australia, athletes must have experience and be competitive at the level required.

Juniors compete in one open division regardless of experience and must be able to meet the weight and age requirements for the world championships. Final team selection is at the discretion of the MTA and based on the Australian team selection policy. Australian Team selection requires athletes be competitive at the World Championships, that they, their trainer and their parents sign a code of conduct form and that they commit to the requirements of the team and coaching staff for the event. IFMA worlds is not like fighting in Australia and nationals is a way to get involved in that future. It usually takes a few attempts at nationals to get the experience required for worlds level. 

Australian Team Selection Policy is available at:


  • Adults - Full  Event - $60 or 1 day - $30 
  • Juniors 6 - 17 years - Full Event - $30 or 1 day $15
  • Juniors 5 and under free. ID may be requested.

Common Questions.

What if I have no one in my weight division/class? These questions will be on the entry form. You have 2 options. 1. Not compete 2. Enter in the weight division up, and compete. Juniors - If you enter the weight division above, you are still considered for any national teams for the weight division you entered. If you win the weight division above you get selected in the Australian Team squad for the division you win but have choice.

What equipment do I fight in: Please refer to MTA rules. You MUST purchase an MTA equipment pack and fight in. 

What are the round times: Please refer to the rules for juniors! Adults are 3 by 3 min. 

What equipment do I need? You are required to have a mouth guard (not red or pink). Females above 14 are required to wear chest guards and groin guards. Males are required to wear a steel groin guard. You MUST purchase an MTA equipment pack. Chest guards are supplied. 

What clothing do I fight in? Muaythai shorts are mandatory (if supplied you must wear the supplied shorts). Shorts must match the corner you are fighting from or be neutral colour. Corners will be assigned at the draw and are subject to change so be prepared. All fighters are to wear the competition singlet. Females must wear a crop top under the singlet. 

Wai Kru/Mongkong? All fighter MUST wear a Mongkong to seal the ring. Due to strict time restrictions it is requested that Wai Kru only include sealing the ring, except in the finals.

Corner person - Maximum of two corner people are allowed. They must stay in their chairs during the round and behave professionally or the fighter will be disqualified. Only one trainer is allowed in the ring in between rounds but not before the bout commences. Ensure you read MTA Code of Conduct.

Photos - There is no photos permitted of the weigh in at anytime. During the event - go nuts.

Female weigh in - All females will weigh under the supervision of a female official.  All females MUST weigh in wearing at minimum; Muaythai Shorts and a crop top. 

Refund Policy: Refunds are only given on approval of a case by case basis. If you need to withdraw for medical reasons. you must submit a request and copy of a medical certificate stating you can not compete for medical reasons. If you do not get a bout at the event, you may be entitled to a refund, but not if you turn down a possible match or the circumstances are beyond the control of the MTA.

Files for download
MTA Waiver 2018 MTAAustralian Team Selection Policy - 2018 MTA Medical Declaration for Athletes